True enough but the one I saw pivoted, it would have looked like a rocket set for launch if it had had a nose cone! be a great gag to paint it...
I've seen carpet vans running around with big sealed tubes on the roofrack presumably for really long carpets why don't more people do that and...
I've got a wood floor over boards and you definitely need thicker than 2mm from a noise point of view, and I wouldn't bank on T&G planks being...
Hi gang My kitchen floor is old, cold and a bit knackered and I'm after some guidance with my proposed refurb if you'd be so kind. The old floor...
Isn't the gap under the skirt? Knee pads is a big error -I've had housemaids knee (no sniggering at the back!) I can see he gets a bit of feel for...
Roger will be on shortly asking for work? (from same IP address :rolleyes:)
Universal charger or 110V. Is warranty worldwide or just USA.
The new boy
Erm I think you'll find that all domestic gas sinks when leaking but it won't be a 'drop hole' for that, it is just ventilation for feeding an...
And the boys did it! L2 for Tranmere!
OP was 2009 so I don't think it will
Sparky forum page is well scary with how intolerant and "regs this and regs that" attitude most have and is probably why so many people are doing...
As a confirmed <whisper it> DIY'er I am so pleased all you guys are so switched on and keen to be better/best whilst still offering help to the...
But loads will have Rose Gold iPhones and "like the colour' and WANT it?