Just how flat does it need to be

Discussion in 'Subfloor Preparation' started by rebel, Jan 31, 2022.

  1. rebel

    rebel New Member

    I am a DIY and new to the world of LVP installations. I am renovating 1050 square feet of my home to have Coretec original WPC "click together planks". Coretec installation instructions say that the floor needs to be level to 3/16 in a 10 foot radius. My home is 40 years old and built on a crawl space. When I go around the home with a 6 foot straight edge I find that it has sagged through the years and the center of the home down the central hallway that is over the center footer is high and the floors sweep downward in both directions. it is well over the 3/16 requirement. My question is "just what will happen if I lay flooring over this? " If it clicks into place right now will it fall apart in time later?
    Thanks in advance for the help.
  2. Simon Grimley

    Simon Grimley Well-Known Member

    It needs to be as good as the specifications say it does.

    Most likely it will unlock or break on the joins if it’s not flat enough. Board your floor with the correct ply (you will need to check the specifications for the US) and use a suitable smoothing compound to ensure a flat surface.
  3. merit

    merit Well-Known Member

    Yes it will fail on the joins and within a few weeks the sagging subfloor will start to show through the floor covering

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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