Hi all, Im installing a 2.6mm sheet vinyl into a small kitchen with at least 3 appliances to take out to cut the vinyl right into all edges. I have used acylic vinyl tape on a small bathroom fit in the past, the earliest being 9 years ago which is still looking good. Due to the height and other factors, including floor will have immediate footfall and appliances need to go in asap, Can i use acrylic vinyl floor tape or is it better to use adhesive glue, as im not convinced. Floor is very flat concrete base. Vinyl already on it but is damaged so im taking it up. Will smooth and clean floor when prep. Any opinions? Thanks
The best job would be to glue all over, just sticking the perimeter may cause the vinyl to bubble in the middle, which is a pain to rectify, Also, if you put felt pads on the bottom of the appliances, it makes it very easy to slide them back into place without damaging the floor
Thanks, that's what I was thinking. Good call on the washing machine too, i appreciate that. Out of interest why cant a good acrylic tape be used across the floor, not just the perimeter? will it show when the vinyl sheet is only 2.6mm?
edit: my thought being taped can take traffic immediately yet the glue (Bostik etc) recommends 24 hours plus, which is not convenient for my purpose.
You need full adhesion if you dont want it to eventually show a ripple effect. ....unless you cover the whole floor with the tape leaving no gaps
Good point, dont want to risk that. Any opinions on using spray rather than spread glue? as it seems it'd be quicker, get full coverage and less mess and time to wait for curing.
Are we talking a cushion floor or a heavy duty vinyl (commercial)? Seeing as it's a kitchen I'd go with a notched trowel/full adhesive method.
Fully stick it and make absolutely sure the sub-floor is like glass otherwise any slight imperfections will shadow through, especially considering it’s to be fully stuck. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk