I had intended to buy the materials and get a fitter to do the rest - mainly due to cost. I want it as near to perfect as possible so a fitter will be doing it for sure. Thanks for the heads up re: the primer so I can scrap the need for materials on that level. Now I understand why matt said the base layer of SLC needs to be acrylic and not water based as it affects the DPM. Is there an acrylic one you would recommend? Also, how would the cost compare if I purchased the materials and the fitter installs vs. the fitter supplying and fitting everything?
Seconded either NA or 1200, mapei latexplan not trade is another good alternative especially with added chippings can do 10mm in 1 coat
Thanks daz - just to check I am on the same page here; are you referring to the first coat of SLC to replace the 600 base?
Well for one you'd get some kind of warranty if your happy enough to pay a firm to come in and dispose the thermos at a no doubt extortionate cost why not just let the fitter of your choice supply and fit the job for you? personally I wouldn't be happy with turning upto a pallet of different screeds and dpms etc that someone had bought as I'd have no idea where and how it was stored if it was internet seconds etc etc I'd also assume most good quality fitters would want to do the supply and fit atleast on the prep side, personally I just put my mark up on my fitting if doing a fit only job anyways
Because the tiles and adhesive is being removed via insurance. That is a valid point and sounds fair enough; this is the reason why I have spent some considerable time understanding what is required to achieve the desired result with the correct products. If that is the way to go the materials will only be purchased once the fitter has agreed - I am trying to save costs where possible and do the job correctly. I would imagine the likelihood is to allow the fitter to supply and fit all the prep. What about the LVT? the quotes I have had to date are £550 - £600 more expensive for the LVT than is available on the internet.
Thats the cost of getting a guarantee unfortunately as an internet order will leave you with very little in comparison, a company with premises has overheads to pay as well as vat bills etc etc etc. Its kind of like a package holiday, if something goes wrong with your flight you have one company to go to same as hotel issues and organised excursions, but you have to pay a premium for it, its cheaper to buy each bit separately yes but you lose abit of convenience and also protection should something go wrong. Lets say for example you supply all materials and get a well heard of quality fitter to install, alls good until 3 months after fitting and the floor blows, nothing to do with the fitting its down to the material say dpm failed upon test, what do you do? atleast using a company for the supply and fit you go back to them and they sort it for you. End of the day its up to you what you want to do, you will always find someone to fit it for you if you want to go down route of supplying everything as some fitters are happy to do it.
A good fitter will fit only, a decent fitter will only ever fit stuff they supply as there reputation is on the line if it's b grade materials that's sent.