Does anyone wear gloves when fitting? I don’t mean for the cold generally but I have eczema and it’s flared up on my hands so would be nice to protect them while working but can’t find gloves that either don’t rip or allow me the detail needed.
Yep! I bet its been over 10yrs since I did a job without gloves. Skin used to be so dry and cracked, hands used to look a right mess I just buy packs of 20 general workwear gloves off ebay.
Only for dpm and oiling wood floors. Just use the tight fitting red ones from screwfix Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Bet you can get them abit cheaper if you have a good dig through
I started wearing them in winter, because every year my hands dry up and start splitting, i just use similar to everyone else, they're only about £1 a pair. Will definitely need them this winter, with all this alcohol hand sanitizer we are having to use, it's bad enough now, with just the occasional cut
Sounds like I might be the only one, but I find it so hard to wear gloves and cut accurately. Hate wearing them on site, and had major rows with site agents about it.
I don’t do any fitting with gloves on. Find it strange. Only the messy stuff. Mario I can’t wear those blue gloves anymore, Matty has a phobia of them. Think something bad must of happened to him Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk