Help with real name please?

Discussion in 'Carpet / Textile' started by Dezemondo, Aug 4, 2022.

  1. Dezemondo

    Dezemondo New Member

    Hi, I have a customer who likes CR Ardent Saxony range. Do any of you fine people know the manufacturer/range name please?
  2. Probably Associated Weavers, most of their ranges are
  3. Dezemondo

    Dezemondo New Member

    Thanks for the reply. I'll take a look through the ranges.
  4. CR Ardent Saxony is a beautiful range of wool and cotton fabric that is soft to the touch and has a lustrous sheen. This range of wool and cotton fabric is available in multiple colors, including colors like blue, black, red, and more. This beautiful fabric is suitable for projects like upholstery, clothing, and curtains.
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