Installing Patterned Carpet

Discussion in 'Carpet / Textile' started by Gripper, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. Gripper

    Gripper Well-Known Member

    A successful patterned carpet installation requires a thorough understanding of patterned carpet characteristics by designers and all others involved with the carpet selection and installation process. Carpet is a textile fabric subject to inevitable processing variations. These variations are more critical when patterns are introduced. Most manufacturers provide established tolerances and specific installation instructions for their patterned goods, although most do not guarantee an exact pattern match. Skilled, responsible, and competent craftsmen experienced in the installation of patterned carpet can effectively make adjustments within the manufacturer's tolerances to provide a successful installation. To assist this process, the manufacturer's tolerances should be clearly understood, communicated, and agreed upon by all parties prior to the specification, bid, purchase, and installation. There should also be an understanding about the additional carpet that must be allowed for pattern match.

    Factors affecting an acceptable pattern match on the job site include, but are not limited to, the method of installation, the condition and levelness of the subfloor, and the type carpet backing system selected. It is imperative that realistic levels of expectation be clearly agreed upon between all parties before the carpet is installed.

    Installation of patterned carpet requires more time and expertise, often requiring the use of power stretchers and additional staffing, thus affecting the cost of installation.

    Understanding Patterned Carpet

    The following overview describes how patterns in carpet are created.

    Using pre-colored or pre-dyed yarns, patterns may be created in any of the following construction methods:

    • Woven - Axminster Weave, Wilton Weave, Velvet Weave [/*:m:28l14dpd]
    • Knitted[/*:m:28l14dpd]
    • Tufted - graphics or various computer controlled techniques[/*:m:28l14dpd]

    Patterns can also be produced after the carpet is woven or tufted using undyed yarns and the pattern applied afterwards - a post-dyeing method. Commonly used are:

    • Screen Printing - flat and rotary [/*:m:28l14dpd]
    • Injection Dyed - computer controlled processes whereby colorant is injected into the carpet pile [/*:m:28l14dpd]

    Regardless of the method of construction, slight variations in yarn tensions, yarn feed, etc. can create changes in pattern configuration.

    Patterns created by the tufting process, tufted graphics, as well as screen printed and injection dyed carpet, require processing and finishing after the pattern is created. All of the subsequent finishing processes affect the size, straightness, and squareness of the pattern

    Pattern Variations

    Pattern variation can be characterized by four conditions that may be found on any patterned carpet. The possible existence of all these variations must be considered when specifying and bidding any project where broadloom patterned carpet is to be installed. These conditions are 1) pattern bow, 2) bias, 3) repeat variation, and 4) trueness of edge. All patterned carpets are subject to these conditions.

    Variations in pattern are normally described by the measurement of these four conditions, performed on a single uninstalled breadth of carpet, as described below:


    Pattern Bow - To measure, stretch a string across the width of the carpet from match point on one side to the corresponding match point on the opposite side. These reference points, illustrated as Point A and B in Diagram 1, should be as close to the selvage as possible. Measure the distance of greatest separation between the string and the pattern line. Uncorrected pattern bow is visible on the floor as wavy or crooked pattern lines when viewed across seams.

    Diagram 1
    Measurement of pattern bow (width) and trueness of edge (length).


    Isolate points A & B as directed in the document. Connect these points with tightly stretched string as indicated by the pattern at the point of greatest separation. This is indicated here by the white dot.

    Trueness of Edge Measurement

    The same general procedure is used to measure trueness of edge. For that measurement, select the same points on the same lengthwise pattern line near the selvage edge at least 40 ft. apart. Edge trueness is the greatest separation between the string and the pattern.

    Bias or "Skew" - This describes the squareness of the pattern. This condition is measured using one of the methods described below.

    Diagonal Difference Method

    Step 1 - Take the same two pattern points previously identified in the pattern bow measurement and mark with masking tape or white chalk as A and B.
    Step 2 - Using a steel tape, measure exactly 9 feet from these points parallel to the selvage, allowing the steel tape to follow the same length pattern line. These points should also be marked with tape or white chalk as C and D.
    Step 3 - Measure diagonally from A to C and from B to D as indicated in the diagram. If diagonals are equal, the pattern is perfectly square. The degree of inequality indicates severity of bias. See Diagram 2.

    Diagram 2
    Measurement of Pattern Bias

    Isolate points A and B as directed previously. Note that these are points lying on the same widthwise pattern line as close to the two selvages as possible. In this example they are the same point within the pattern. Points C and D are established by measuring exactly 9" up the edge of the carpet along the lengthwise pattern lines containing points A and B.


    Measure distance between A and C and B and D as shown. The difference between these measurements is reported as "diagonal difference". Another method, using a T-square, is explained below.

    T-Square Method

    Step 1 - Using a 4 foot T-square or long carpenter square, align the short edge of the square along one selvage edge.
    Step 2 - Making sure the square. s short side is perfectly parallel to the carpet pattern, place one end of a white chalk line at the corner of the square.
    Step 3 - Pull the chalk line tight and make sure it stays parallel to the long side of the square.
    Step 4 - Follow the pattern and line across the carpet width. The difference between the pattern and line will be the amount of skew or bias. On a job site, uncorrected bias is visible as the pattern running parallel with two opposing walls and running into or away from the other two walls.

    Repeat Variation (Length) - This variation is sometimes referred to as "pattern run off" and is determined by a direct measurement method as follows.

    Step 1 - Determine specified length pattern repeat in inches.
    Step 2 - Divide this number into 144 inches. This usually results in a whole number. Example, if a carpet is specified as having an 18 inch match, determine the number of repeats in 12 ft (144 inches) by dividing 144 by 18, which equals 8. Use this number (in this example "8") and go to step 3.
    Step 3 - Measure the distance covered by this number of repeats in numerous places through the dyelot. See Diagram 3.

    Diagram 3
    Measurement of Pattern Repeat Variation (length or width) 18" x 18" set match in this example.


    Measure the specified number of exact repeats, 8 for this example, and record. Use this measurement as a sequencing guide.

    Step 4 - Use these numbers to sequence cuts working from longest repeat (largest number) gradually down to the shortest repeat within the dye lot. Uncorrected pattern variation (width or length) is visible on a job site as seam mismatch.

    Width pattern repeat variation can be determined in the same manner. From an installation standpoint, this is important only on end-to-end or "cross" seams.

    Trueness of Edge - To measure, stretch a string or white chalk line, at least 40 feet long if possible or as specified by manufacturer, near the selvage of the carpet. Both ends of the tightly stretched string should be on the same point in the pattern. Trueness of edge is the maximum separation or distance between the string and the pattern line. See Diagram 1.

    Uncorrected variation in edge trueness is visible on the job site as wavy or serpentine pattern lines when looking down the length of the carpet.
  2. Rugrat

    Rugrat Well-Known Member

    Hi gripper that is really informative most of the younger fitter will not have laid a pattern carpet plain colour seems to have been the mainstay for 20 years now but at the show there was more patterns making a come back.
  3. tedmaced

    tedmaced Well-Known Member

    very useful post Gripper, great stuff
  4. Matt

    Matt Well-Known Member Staff Member

    all grippers posts are full of info. When he has finished filling the place i will install a thanks button! If i install one now he will be topped thanked in 1 hour, i dont like being beat! LOL
  5. Gripper

    Gripper Well-Known Member

  6. tedmaced

    tedmaced Well-Known Member

    you could always take his thanks button away
  7. Matt

    Matt Well-Known Member Staff Member

  8. Gripper

    Gripper Well-Known Member

    4mtr or 5 mtr ? :D
  9. tedmaced

    tedmaced Well-Known Member

  10. bladerunner

    bladerunner Well-Known Member

    I would appROACH CARPET POLES neither Forum or against!. EYELET HOLE things be said and DISCUSsed in LINE.
  11. RalphXhoff

    RalphXhoff Member

    Truly informative
  12. Glenn H

    Glenn H Well-Known Member

    Nice info
  13. Jackey Robinson

    Jackey Robinson New Member

    Great information and tips, thanks for sharing.
  14. fixitcarpet

    fixitcarpet Member

    When you installing patterned carpets. Choosing the right carpet colors for your home is a big decision, one you will be living with for years.
  15. Hidan

    Hidan Member

    nice post :):)

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