I have 80/20 wool carpets in most of my rooms, but I had a carpet moth problem in one of the bedrooms, so need to replace it. I'm a bit wary of fitting another wool carpet in case the problem happens again, so I am reluctantly looking for a man made carpet for this room. I've read on the forum a couple of recommendations for Victoria and Abingdon carpets possible with cloud 9 underlay. Would this be a reasonable option, or would it be reasonably safe to go for another 80/20 wool carpet? Thanks
Thanks for the suggestion. I had a look online and it's outwith my price range. It's for a guest bedroom that will only be used occasionally, so I'm looking for something a little less expensive.
Sorry yes westex too good for a bedroom, abingdon and Victoria both do some decent stuff without being too expensive
Abingdon and Victoria are great carpets. Both also have 80/20 carpets that have moth proofing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Merit, thanks. I don't know much about these companies, so would you be able to recommend what range I should be looking at for a manmade and a 80/20 wool? Thanks
I sell a fair amount of Victoria. If you’re after a plain twist have a look at Heartland (47oz man made) or Tudor Twist (multi weight 80/20). Both are great carpets and when fitted on an appropriate underlay feel amazing.
https://www.victoriacarpets.com/our-collections/easicare/cut-pile/heartland-heartland-ultra/ Or https://www.victoriacarpets.com/our-collections/natureborn/cut-pile/tudor-twist/ as mentioned the Tudor Twist is moth resistant.
We had some moths in our property when we first moved in. We used a moth powder which was sprinkled onto the carpet and (not suggesting you don't already but) regular hoovering where the skirtings meet the carpet got rid of them. We found that the moths were brought into the room on an old bean bag too!