LVT install issues; potential fixes?

Discussion in 'Vinyl / Impervious floor coverings' started by pandabear, Jan 3, 2024.

  1. pandabear

    pandabear Member

    Problem being that the installer came to view and measure the job twice before starting it, whilst all floors were bare and/or we invited him to lift existing LVT tiles/flooring where he required to get an entire picture of the job - which he did. He had straight edges and laser levels out to determine the work.

    House is 1960s and subfloors are as described in the OP. They were obviously not level together owing to years of settling and so forth. I suppose it's difficult for me or anyone here to get a measure.kf the subfloors without physically seeing them. We had 4 in-person quotes overall though and not one of them said the subfloors would be an issue.

    Consensus I'm gathering from this thread is that applying plywood and then screeding the entire area, most probably with fibre reinforced, before any final feathering should have been the way the job was carried out (and all done to BS 8032 eg. correct fixing practise, ply glue spec, laying level etc).

    We're having the case raised with the manufacturer for a job inspection so will see what comes of that.
  2. Rugmunching

    Rugmunching Well-Known Member

    Done these many of times and my 'go to' prep is always ply out timber sections (sometimes 4mm of the floorboards are nice and flat/level then flood the lot with fibre based screed. Sometimes even 2 layers.

    Good luck with the manufacturers, hope they play fair
  3. merit

    merit Well-Known Member

    You can see how far out the subfloor is in the second picture. You needed a lot more prep than 5.5mm ply and feather finish. Not sure what type of laser and level he used for the survey but doesn’t look like they work
  4. merit

    merit Well-Known Member

    Sorry just reading back the ply should be class 3 not class 2. I’m surprised that’s from jewsons as we usually get class 3 from jewsons
  5. merit

    merit Well-Known Member

    Jewsons stock flooring grade ply so he’s either not got it from Jewsons or he’s asked for the cheapest stuff they do
  6. merit

    merit Well-Known Member

    1960s subfloor in the middle and old walls coming out. Could be damp in there also. Any damp test or damp proofing carried out?
  7. pandabear

    pandabear Member

    Update for anyone interested:

    Brampton Chase came out and suggested a fix is required, weren't prescriptive (frustrating) but said we should get one and talk to the retailer. We were offered a bare bones fix to some but not all of the issues so we refused given that it wouldn't be satisfactory. More issues have started arising since like visible lines in the joins of the plyboard. Eventually got offered a full refund if we allowed them to take up the floor - great, we thought and we accepted having an agreement drawn up to that effect. Unfortunately they started playing silly, suggested they would jack hammer all of the screed out and never ended up drawing up the agreement. Had radio silence since.

    Now sent the letter before court action so have 14 days before pursuing further. A friend of a friend is an independent inspector and member of the CFA who has seen our floor and will write a report if necessary.

    If I had one piece of advice for anyone reading this: please be extremely careful when you engage with a retailer who then subcontracts out. We might be lucky in the sense that our original quote was in full from the retailer, includes the fitting cost and they organised the subcontractor for us so responsibility should fall entirely on the retailer. But common practise can be that a retailer sells you the product and then asks you to engage with a/their subcontractor and then shirks any liability from that point on. Our retailer has tried to do this and it's been incredibly frustrating and massively drawn out because it's not an all-in-one service.
  8. dazlight

    dazlight Super Moderator

    Thanks for the update. Well out of order what they have done. We use cards in lads and sub contractor laminate and carpet out to great fitters but the warranty for everything is with my compmay. You have to trust your fitters.
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  9. Paul webb

    Paul webb Well-Known Member

    I use sub contractors, but the whole warranty is with me too, it has cost me in the past,when I've taken on new fitters, but my reputation is worth more, the last thing I want is this kind of story about my company

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