Hi, i (the admin apologise ) for not replying by email. I have found the emails and for some reason they went through to spam. O.k, to start, at the bottom of the forum there is a section called "site problems" You would be better asking questions in that section as its for "site problems" Not asking in "forum rules" ! So your issue is you cant edit your profile? if so then this function is no longer functional unless a trade member. The reason for this is to many people was abusing the site trying to advertise themselves. If you want to edit your profile then you will have to become a trade member. Reagrds Matt
Just went into my profile to try to set up an avatar. The button for do not use avatar is highlighted and there is no option to put up an avatar. Not complaining, just letting you know.
Just a heads up it appears the admin email is not working for the board, i had an issue i have since resolved but my email kept bouncing back as unable to be delivered.