Got myself a Wolff screed rake and it is definatly one of the best tools I've invested in. Put down a 50 m2 latex with 1200 pro and came out spot on ready for some camaro. Would put up some pictures but still can't upload thru tapatalk?
Camberley have a Wolff display now with all thier tools, scrapers, welders and they do the decent roller sleeves the big foam ones like the little gloss ones.
That's the one, they are pukka. Il be needing some more of those soon as I'm a lazy bastard and never clean them. Uzin make pods you can keep them in but they are around£30!
They've been my little favourites for a few years.keep in a rubble sack and they keep for ages. My primer one for p131 must be nearly 2! They grow up so fast!
ok, will look into pods and yes I would put them on the shop but no need for discounts and gimmicks just a good price.....
I'll tell you tomorrow! They look better! Can't wait to get the curve cutter in action. But seriously, those primer rollers are so much better than a normal one. Thanks again super mario
The pods are listed at around £13.50 + vat I considered getting some but thought they may not sell.... rugrat