But if there making two different qualitys of parts surly that would cost more ? Someone if telling fibs here ?
Possible, but i have seen something to suggest that spotnails cant buy themselves as cheap as what the other one sells for.
I also have been told cheaper parts used, as they do get lots of those guns in for repair against their own model. We all know cheaper means less quality unless you can afford to give a decent product for good value.. starter kit comes to mind..lol
we all want better prices, but that must come with a price and not quality especially when there is no "personal touch" I for one, although not met most of you lot but feel that a good price for good quality says more than just a sale...
Im happy for this to be discussed in open area as if there is a difference in quality then everyone should know that the cheaper one is inferior or vice versa. We dont know if it is or not at the moment. Im sure Mario will add the cheaper version to the shop if he is happy with the quality. If it is lower quality then he wont as he aims for high quality products that he and i also trust. Same as with the cheaper one, we will have it at floorskills if its of high quality.
You'll have it at FloorSkills ? Maybe that's the answer to the conflicting answers from spotnails ? You get me ?