Hi, Looking for a bit of help on a few kitchen floor issue I have, if any one has any tips or methods of getting around my issue I appreciate the help and thank you in advance and sorry for the long explanation. The issue first issue When I brought the house it had cracked kitchen tiles so we decided to rip them up and start fresh with the floor (Keeping the existing kitchen in place), this went smoothly. the issue started when the wall tiles went on. Due to the side worktop plinth sitting on the tile once I removed the tile the worktop dropped by the thickness of the tile plus build up beneath, the tiller then came in and did the walls following the line of the worktop not paying attention to the fact it wasn't straight (not visibly noticeable in the tiles just the gap under the worktop and appliance) The second issue Once I ripped the floor up I discovered that its mainly timber floor boards with a patch of concrete covering a 2050mm x 1050mm area. The concrete its self isn't level and has about 13mm height difference over the area. My original plan was to ply over the floor boards and then level the concrete part to match the ply. I don't think this would generally be an issue but for me I've got an issue where I can only put a maximum of 9mm plywood down before my washing machine no longer fits in its place due to the sloping worktop. could I possibly do this and then feather into the concrete? can anyone recommend a good method / solution to get around this issue. also if anyone can recommend products that would be helpfull I'm a DIYer with basic skills and keen to learn Ill upload picture later today to try and help explain the situation better. Thanks
Providing your floorboards are sound and free of old ceramic adhesive use 6mm ply instead of 9, that will give you more play. Alternatively you could wood screed the whole lot. It does depend on what final floor covering you are choosing though. Especially if you are going down the LVT route, get a pro in and have the job done stress free. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sounds like an old concrete hearth 3.5/4mm ply around the 13mm hearth about 12 inches wide and feather the edge down to the floorboards Then 9mm ply over up to the hearth Then a skim of or screed or just feather Then loads more feather Obviously there will be a slight incline but wouldn't be noticable Or dig out the concrete hearth which is a can of worms I know what I'd do
im still undecided on floor finish but I was thinking an LVT / Sheet Vinyl. we wont be having tiles as we want something softer while the little one is starting to walk. The floor boards are in fairly good condition with no adhesive although there's a bit of patchwork were people have accessed the floor underneath and replaced it with chip board, roughly 200mm x 300mm patch I believe the concrete patch was part of what used to be a down stairs bathroom. I'm not sure if its original or put in when the bathroom was moved. sounds like a good way to get around it, ill have a look into this abit more. one question - Why wouldn't you just use the 9mm ply and feather that in? is it just to create a softer slope? Thanks for all the comments, Much appreciated!
Yes it's to soften the slope and get to the height at the edge of the concrete Done this type of thing loads of times and work well
Can you recommend any good products to feather the edges? I've also attached a sketch to help explain but also make sure I'm understanding you correctly.Now that I've got the floor levels to match at the concretes highest points am I corrects in saying ill need a self levelling compound to bring the lowest point of the concrete up to the plywood level. In terms of fixing the plywood around the feathered edge do I just take the same principle as fixing to the floor boards Sorry for loads of questions