Some are easier to fit than others. I fitted some the other day for a shop , and it was like formica, awful stuff to fit, i cant remember the name though.
I don't really understand why they've started making vinyl with a felt back. Is it because it doesn't show subfloor imperfections as much, or it makes it more stable/stronger? And what are the best ways to fix it as i hate loose laying vinyl?
Hi Freeley, you can lay some felt back vinyls on existing vinyls, although its best to strip it up.You can loose lay like other vinyls or fully adhere it with Balls f44. I think it is more stable than other vinyls.Why do you hate loose laying?, is it more difficult for you to fit?What method do you use to fit? I use a hook blade and a straight blade.
I use hook and concave. Years ago when i first started out my grandad taught me to loose lay but i always struggled with it bulging at the edges, and not being able to trim a small amount off neatly (i still struggle now!) Also don't think it's a good idea in kitchens because of moving appliances etc.
I find i can cut a whisker off with a hook blade, i also have a pair of knife edge shears to trim small amounts I think its best to either fully adhere or loose lay, because if you perimeter stick and it puckers , it can sometimes be difficult to lift again. Thats my opinion, but i always say if the job looks good it doesn,t matter how you do it, and aferall its what you feel comfortable with, i hope that helps , regards mod 1