Hi all, cant seem to find a definate answer to my question, My main stairs are i think concrete, or possibly old stone with a levelling compound on, not 100% but id say its concrete...old house. Each stair has a bullnose front edge protruding out maybe an inch and then an inch down and back to the riser. I have the new carpet grippers in the correct place but my question is.... When im laying the underlay do i just lay it up to the edge i.e a rectangle pad? Or does it lap over the bullnose then fasten back to the riser underneath the bullnose somehow (maybe silicon adhesive or something) ? Hope that makes sense, thanks in advance, carpet being fitted next week just want to make sure i get it right. P.s i have a professional carpet fitter installing the carpet but i cant get hold of him to ask the question. Guess his phone is off over the hoildays.
some fitters fit the underlay to the bullnose only but i personally bring the underlay right over and cut it off against the gripper on the riser and then spray it with spray adhesive.hope this helps
hi, why should the underlay go from gripper to gripper? Why not save money and just do where you walk?
the reason being is so that the underlay brings the gripper on the riser level to the underlay. Does that make sence? Basically you will have a lump in the carpet if you run your hand down the back of the carpet. This causes wear on the carpet just above the gripper when peoples shoes catch the gripper. If the underlay is fitted in the correct place (gripper to gripper) then the underlay will stop you catching the edge of the gripper. Understand?
ye i understand. So that bare patch on some carpets on the riser is caused by this? My gaffer said it was carpet moths.
i also think it gives a tighter finish and stops the riser puckering and on a staircase the cost of underlaying to the riser is minimal
i agree with Matt entirely on this,i,ve always done it this way in my 38 years and also it is esier to secure the underlay on the riser (aswell as the tread) regards Alan
gripper to gripper is indeed the correct way to fit this so that the tread is protected by the underlay and that when you walk up the stairs it also protects the riser of the carpet from kicks ! same as when you walk down the stairs people seem to push against the riser with there heel ! gripper to gripper is the only way!