Hi there, I’m form UK and have just had the wrong colour wood put down next to an older wood we had of the same name which is a completely different colour. At no point when we purchased the new wood we’re we told it would be a different colour and I understand that wood batches can change colour but should they not have told us beforehand. Does anybody know if there’s and ombudsman or trading standards/ consumer that we can appeal to for help as the tradesman and shop have taken our money (thousands of pounds) for the wrong floor and refuse to accept the fact they didn’t tell us it would be a different colour. Any help appreciated, many thanks.
Granted you should have been told but it’s common sense, batch differences, fading over time, sunlight.
How do you know its a different colour?? Like it's been said, you sure it isn't just old stuff faded and the new stuff being a different batch?
Is it the wrong colour, as in the product codes different? Or it’s the same and it’s just different batch? How longs the original floor been down?
I know it’s a different colour because it’s a completely different colour to the rest of my floor which is exactly the same product. I ordered the same colour and nobody mentioned it would be a completely different colour. If they had explained it fades over time or it’s a different batch and to expect a different colour I wouldn’t have ordered it.
Seems like you’re trying to pin your lack of common sense on someone else. If you ordered the same wallpaper a year apart would you expect it to be the same?
Post a picture up if you can? Want to see if we're talking that much of a 'black and white' difference or just shades
"It's obviously a different colour they can't dispute this. If it is the same product they need to explain that it could be a different batch/colour." from our floor fitter talking about the store who sold us the wood...whose job it is to know about wood. I do not know about wood you're right, I'll read up and thanks for the advise.. although I've planted a few acres of broad leaf. Don't really understand the relevance of your wallpaper thing sorry.
sorry going to stop chatting, seem to be getting some nasty responses which is making me feel awful. Best of luck to you all.
Nasty? Haha seriously? We're trying to understand if you are aware of what batch differences can look like. If you show us a picture of a traditional oak floor and then a grey continuation then We'd get your point but if we talking 'few shades' then we talking batch differences. It's alright saying its a completely different colour but I can't see a manufacturer selling you a floor the exact same name/range but in an opposite colour!
Was you not there when the fitter/s started fitting this new batch? As said a picture would be better to show. Shop maybe should have stated about the possibility of it looking different but ultimately this is a common sense thing people would be expected to know(not everyone of course, there’s bound to be things I don’t know but should). If someone told me to order something and had a product code etc to go by I wouldn’t think to say anything really, until when fitting I’d point out the difference.
I think you absolutely should of been made aware it would not match, as long as you had the conversation with the supplier that it was a repeat order to match? Otherwise how would they know it wasnt a first time order? We make it clear with carpet lvt and wood. If lts not ordered together at the same time there’s no guarantee it will match. The flooring company should have experience and knowledge in that.