

dazlight, Apr 27, 2012
    • doidgey
      do you use that tool a lot Daz

    • dazlight
      Not really Steve. Since I had it maybe 5 times. But worth getting I think. The Nursery job I used it to make a curve between carpet an polysafe. Also on this kitchen pic I used it for 3 corners.
      I can see it being good around a shower or bath.
    • Floor layer
      Hi daz, that looks a very nice tool, how does it work? Where did u get it from? And how much?
      Keep up the good work pal
      Thanks lee
    • dazlight
      Alright Lee, it cost about £50, rugrat on this forum sells them on his shop. You bend it where you want it then lock it in place then cut round it.its ok but think it could be made better.
    • Floor layer
      Aright daz thanks for that I will have. Look and I think I will get one good tool
    • Spacey
      daz what is that where did you get it and how much ? I want one

    • RPB
      whats the name of the curve tool?
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    Curved Work
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