Hello, I'm new here and wondered if anyone would be happy to share their know how / experiences please? I'm looking to buy a specific house which...
Hi all, I have no experience with flooring. My downstairs floor is concrete, I'm having underfloor heating installed by a company that cuts...
Hi all. Been doing this trade a while but not used this underlay before. Doing a job with underfloor heating so am using cloud 9 radiance with a...
hello im renovating a property which will have a total wet under floor heating system installed. Upstairs bedrooms are all new joists which we...
Hello. I am a lady with not much building knowledge. I am in the early days of renovating a house built in 1912. Has joists and floorboards....
I have 135m^2 of floor space to cover. The ground floor is using Wundatherm Heating boards, while the other floors are using Wunda spreader...
Bought a house a couple of years ago and there's always been a raised lump in the kitchen floor, drives me mad. Had to lift some of the floor...
Hi, I don't know whether I'm posting in the right place but I'm hoping for some advice on what wet UFH system to get for our renovation of a...
I have a floating Oak Engineered wooden floor (the boards were glued at the grooves but not on the floor) which has a soft spot that is quite...
All. As mentioned in another post, I'm having problems with my recently installed under floor heating. I have a general question I hope you can...
I hope someone can advise me. We are in the middle of a building project that will have wet underfloor heating put down over a large area (three...