Where do you put your face when you spend over an hour or so planning out decor geo to fall full-tile/half-tile and manage to get it get it no more than a 2-1/2” back border everywhere then you nip to the loo and the customer has had a peak and says ‘I don’t want a back border’ and no matter how much you tell them that there walls aren’t 90 degrees with eachother/ the back border will help hide that/ show them in the brochure all the pics have back borders and stress it won’t look as good if you try get it soo close. They don’t want hear it, After spending another hour planning even tiles everywhere they say no thanks just go full tile half tile in doorway and against shower tray!!!!Then the customer only clicks what you explained(for 30minutes)/showed them…once it’s fitted and realises that the walls aren’t perfect in there 100 year old farm house and the thinner strips in the feature border really highlight it and I know I’ve done my best to give them what they wanted but I know it looks crap compared to how it could of looked and I can tell they wished they had listened! :-/ awkward
Sadly nothing to be done except make sure you’ve got it in writing and take photos for the next customer that asks…